HeeJin by choerry.works
a 60% based on the first member of LOONA
Winkeyless 60% layout
Tadpole mount
Color: Magenta/Silver two-tone
Aluminum 6063 case with brass weight
Aluminum 5052/Polycarbonate/FR4 plates (full/half)
Actual Front Height: 18.154mm
Effective Keyboard Height: 20.024mm
Lazy Front Height: 17.197mm (15.188mm at lip)
6.9 degree typing angle
Utilizes H60 JST positioning and UDB-C daughterboard
Groupbuy: 2023/07/23 to 2023/08/23 @ LoobedSwitches
Fulfillment started in March 2024, with extras running April 2024
Photos taken by Captain Sterling and Jan

A WKL 60% keyboard inspired by HeeJin from the former KPOP girl group, LOONA (now a part of ARTMS)